Friday Mar 08, 2019
  • Classes
    • 6am
    • 930am
    • 12pm
    • 300pm
    • 415pm
    • 530pm


19.3 is all new!

Overhead Walking Lunges & DB Box Step Ups! Even Strict HSPU!

We'll be working strict HSPU tech and HS walks in class all day Friday if you want some last minute tips.

19.3 is: 

For time:
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge
50 dumbbell box step-ups
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk

RX = 50/35 dumbbell, 24/20” box 
Scaled = 50/35 Front Rack lunges, 24/20” box, 5” elevated strict hspu & bear crawl

Time cap: 10 minutes




  • After the minor inconvenience of a couple of lunges & a few step ups, this workout is a strict handstand push-up test
  • If you’ve got them, small sets with short breaks will pay off here
  • If you don’t have them, come to class tomorrow & we’ll do our best to help you unlock that skill!
  • For the few that make it through, your HS walks will be more fatigued than usual. Aim for small sets with a short break here too.
  • For the rest of us, chip chip chip away.


25’ of Lunges: Go unbroken if possible and not too taxing on your shoulder. Plan to switch hands after each 25’ section. If you need to change hands before that, make sure you finish the 5’ section you are in before switching.

Literally mark your steps: While warming up, figure out where each step should be so that you can cross fully over the line most efficiently (instead of taking a ½ step at the end of each length). Do this for both directions.

Step out a little bit: Avoid lunging on a tight-rope. A small lateral step will give you more stability.

Slight lean forward on the drive off the floor while pressing through the heel.

Try holding the DB a little more vertically. If you let the rear head of the DB tip down towards your shoulder it will ‘pull’ your arm into a better OH position & tax your delts & traps a bit less.


Turn the box on an angle. Set the box up so you can step up on a corner instead of straight on. It’s a bit easier on the hip flexors & quicker up and down.

Try different DB placements in your warmup. Back rack, front rack & suitcase are some of the options. Find the most comfortable aka least uncomfortable position and tough it out for 50 reps.

Limit your time on the ground: As your foot comes down off the box, tap the floor and immediately step back up.


Your palms (but not fingers) must stay inside the box. There is 3x2’ box standard for this year’s Open. Figure out your strongest pressing position (vertical forearm w/ fingers in line with crown of head) and mark your hands. When you kick up to a HS you’ll have a target.

Don’t spend too much time in your handstand

Don’t rest on your head

Small sets from the start. If there is even a slight slowdown in your press-out, kick down.

Your feet need to stay inside the width of your hands and nothing but your heels can touch the wall


Start with your hands BEHIND the line.

Keep your walks short & sweet. (10-15ft at the most)



a. 3-5min Assault Bike with 3-5 10sec sprints

b. Foam Roll -- t-spine, lats, glutes, quads, calves

c. Every 30s alternate between:

  • 15s Dead hang from pull-up bar in hollow with head between shoulders
  • 15s HS Hold with head pushed through, hands a little further away from wall than usual

d. Shoulder Series:

  • Banded shoulder distraction (arm straight OH band pulling arm back towards pull-up bar)
  • Banded pec stretch
  • Banded lat stretch
  • Banded Bully stretch

e. 3x5 scap pull-ups super set with scap push-up

f. 10 reps of the following:

  • PVC pass throughs
  • Inchworms w/ alt toe touches
  • Straight leg high kicks (Fwd & bwd, side to side)
  • Beat swings
  • Alt scorpions
  • Marching glute bridge

then . . .

8 Alt walking lunges (no weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 2min

8 Alt walking lunges (med weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 2min

8 Alt walking lunges (workout weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 5min before your heat!


Coaches Notes


19.3 is all new!

Overhead Walking Lunges & DB Box Step Ups! Even Strict HSPU!

19.3 is: 

For time:
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge
50 dumbbell box step-ups
50 strict handstand push-ups
200-ft. handstand walk

RX = 50/35 dumbbell, 24/20” box 
Scaled = 50/35 Front Rack lunges, 24/20” box, 5” elevated strict hspu & bear crawl

Time cap: 10 minutes




After the minor inconvenience of a couple of lunges & a few step ups, this workout is a strict handstand push-up test

If you’ve got them, small sets with short breaks will pay off here

If you don’t have them, come to class tomorrow & we’ll do our best to help you unlock that skill!

For the few that make it through, your HS walks will be more fatigued than usual. Aim for small sets with a short break here too.

For the rest of us, chip chip chip away.


25’ of Lunges: Go unbroken if possible and not too taxing on your shoulder. Plan to switch hands after each 25’ section. If you need to change hands before that, make sure you finish the 5’ section you are in before switching.

Literally mark your steps: While warming up, figure out where each step should be so that you can cross fully over the line most efficiently (instead of taking a ½ step at the end of each length). Do this for both directions.

Step out a little bit: Avoid lunging on a tight-rope. A small lateral step will give you more stability.

Slight lean forward on the drive off the floor while pressing through the heel.

Try holding the DB a little more vertically. If you let the rear head of the DB tip down towards your shoulder it will ‘pull’ your arm into a better OH position & tax your delts & traps a bit less.


Turn the box on an angle. Set the box up so you can step up on a corner instead of straight on. It’s a bit easier on the hip flexors & quicker up and down.

Try different DB placements in your warmup. Back rack, front rack & suitcase are some of the options. Find the most comfortable aka least uncomfortable position and tough it out for 50 reps.

Limit your time on the ground: As your foot comes down off the box, tap the floor and immediately step back up.


Your palms (but not fingers) must stay inside the box. There is 3x2’ box standard for this year’s Open. Figure out your strongest pressing position (vertical forearm w/ fingers in line with crown of head) and mark your hands. When you kick up to a HS you’ll have a target.

Don’t spend too much time in your handstand

Don’t rest on your head

Small sets from the start. If there is even a slight slowdown in your press-out, kick down.

Your feet need to stay inside the width of your hands and nothing but your heels can touch the wall


Start with your hands BEHIND the line.

Keep your distances well inside your max. (10-15ft at the most)



A.    3-5min Assault Bike with 3-5 10sec sprints

B.    Foam Roll

t-spine, lats, glutes, quads, calves

C.    Every 30s alternate between:

15s Dead hang from pull-ups bar in hollow with head between shoulders
15s HS Hold with head pushed through, hands a little further away from wall than usual

D.    Shoulder Series:

a.     Banded shoulder distraction (arm straight OH band pulling arm back towards pull-up bar)

b.     Banded pec stretch

c.     Banded Bully stretch

E.    3x5 scap pull-ups super set with scap push-up

F.     10 reps of the following:

a.     Inchworms w/ alt toe touches

b.     Straight leg high kicks (Fwd & bwd, side to side)

c.     Beat swings

d.     PVC pass throughs

e.     Alt scorpions

f.      Marching glute bridge

8 Alt walking lunges (no weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 2min

8 Alt walking lunges (med weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 2min

8 Alt walking lunges (workout weight)
6 alt step ups
1-3 S HSPU

Rest 5min before your heat!








– Eric Barber