Sunday Aug 16, 2020
  • Classes
    • 915am
    • 1030am

We. Are. Farmers (you can sing the rest)

Competition Class


Rest Day

Walk or bike for 20+ min casually
Pick 3 lower body mobility exercises
Pick 3 upper body mobility exercises
Do them
Recover Hard



For Time:
25 Strict Pull-ups
*find a scale or weight that you cannot do more than 5 strict pull-ups with
*every break, complete 10 Ring Push Ups or 5 Strict HSPU

10min time cap

For Time:
21 Devil's Press 50s/35s
200m Farmers Carry 50s/35s
15 Devil's Press 50s/35s
200m Farmers Carry 50s/35s
9 Devil's Press 50s/35s
200m Farmers Carry 50s/35s